June is half way over, and time just keeps flying by! A number of people have asked if we have anything planned for the summer. Since Jonathan is not working over the summer and we are living on savings, our plans for the summer include not. spending. money. There are tons of free things to do around here, and I really need to get my butt in gear to enjoy them! Free concerts, free movies, library story time, the river, etc. I wish we had a sprinkler park here in town - the closest ones are about 30 miles away in Austin. Or I suppose the new term is 'splash pad.' We will definitely start working on fun, free stuff soon! In the meantime, here is what I'm up to:
1. Working! I work part time as our church's office administrator. It keeps me sane, brings in a little buffer income, and I really do love helping out the church. As the office administrator, I am also webmaster. Although a self-titled technophobe, I have had to learn my way around a little html. The first full page that I made for the site, start to finish (almost...our bookkeeper made the
Paypal button...I did not), is
www.cotcsm.org/Music.html. Granted, I just duplicated another page and used
iWeb, but I am pretty darn proud of the outcome. Feel free to visit the site : )
2. Shedding
SAHM pounds! Now, I know not every stay-at-home-mom gains weight, but good grief I did! Something about living in a 700 square foot apartment in rural Texas with a fully stocked refrigerator and constantly filled cookie jar will do that to you. My previous job entailed giving lots of tours, regularly playing kick ball, and generally being more active, so switching to
SAHM actually was a bit more sedentary. In the past three weeks, I have shed 9 pounds, thanks to revamping what I eat (i.e. no full cookie jar anymore) and going to our activity center at least three days a week. According to Weight Watchers, I have 26 pounds to go to get to my 'goal weight.' Let me tell you, I haven't been at my 'goal weight' since I was 15 years old! We'll see how well I continue to do. I wish I could say I am running again, but I'm not. It is
sooooo hot!
Uggh...can't bring myself to do it. Jonathan and I ran early in the morning one day last week, but haven't continued the trend. If I have any hope of running a fall half marathon, I need to start running now!
3. House Dreaming! Not quite house hunting, but house dreaming. We would like to buy a house in the next 6 months or so, but we have to wait for all the financial stuff until Jonathan starts getting paid again. So we have spent a good bit of time on real estate web sites, walking around our neighborhood, and day dreaming. One of my college friends once told me that you are not a real adult until you are a) married, b) a parent, and c) a homeowner. I have been putting off real adulthood for a while now, but since Jonathan has a job with long term potential, we feel the need to invest in a house instead of giving our money to a landlord.
And for your enjoyment, I stole Jonathan's iPhone and sent myself some pictures:

Mother's Day 2011

My Mother's Day gift from Jon:
Diet Dr. Pepper, Peanut Butter M&Ms, and a hand addressed card

Jon riding the carousel on a moving horse for the first time.
(note: this is his second haircut in his 16 month life and he kept his curls. Will they come back?)

Post-haircut trip to Target. Soothing himself with those fingers after the trauma.
I will also note that his hair line pays homage to his middle name.
That is definitely the Pollock hair line.

An unscheduled (is that a real word?) nap a few days ago after we had been swimming in our apt complex pool. My selfish goal in the swimming trip was to wear him out, and I suppose it did the trick.