Friday, August 22, 2008


noun - a person who worries or talks excessively about his or her health.

So yesterday, I'm sitting in the Kroger parking lot about to get some groceries, and I take a sip of water. For some reason, it is hard to swallow. I sit there for a moment, and realize that swallowing is actually really hard, as if there is something stuck in my throat or my tongue is taking up more room than it should. I look at the clock - 7:20pm. Is that enough time to make it to the Minor Med? I drive to the Baptist Minor Med across the street, but there is a large sign stating coldly that they do not accept my health insurance. So, I drive to Cordova, to the closest Methodist Minor Med, thinking all the time, "What if my throat swells up and I can't breath and I lose consciousness while driving??" I get to the Minor Med at 7:45pm; the secretary rolls her eyes as I walk in, because I am sure the entire staff was looking forward to going home at 8pm instead of seeing more patients. I explain my difficulty swallowing to the secretary, to a nurse, and then to a doctor.

There is apparently nothing wrong with me. No inflammation. No swollen anything. I get a prescription for something to gargle and make my throat numb (did not pick up...what's the point?), and a referral to an ENT if the problem persists. So, I spent $20, a good bit of gas, and my evening when I should have been grocery shopping to feel like an idiot.

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