Thursday, October 6, 2011


Jon and I were reading a book yesterday, and I counted out five birds for him. When Jonathan came home from work, Jon wanted to show him how he could count:

"Two, three, two, three, two...two birds!"


Unknown said...

Awww! So cute! But very cool that he knows "two" and "three" and "birds"! Also cool that he clearly knows what a number is - he's marking out the five birds, even though he doesn't quite know the words yet :) Can't wait to see him (and you, of course!) next month :)

Megan said...

Let me just say that Jonathan and I knew what he was saying. To the untrained ear, it sounded more like "two, tee, two, tee, two...two duhduhs.". Bird is 'duhduh' and dog is 'dawduh,' but we know what they mean :)

Today's word of the day is "ah choo," which he does say correctly :)