Friday, August 21, 2009

Why am I not surprised?

Already, just at 17 weeks gestation...we have a big baby. My glucose test is in two months, so it might be gestational diabetes. might by that this kid's parents are just the size of wookies. I'm hoping for the latter.

When we were looking over the results of the ultrasound this morning and looking at due dates, the doctor just smiled at us and said, "Well, we just have a big baby!" With a 5'11" mother and a 6'3" father, I guess that should not be surprising : ) Everything else looks great! It is amazing what we can see with ultrasounds: how full the stomach is, what the brain looks like, the spine, little fingers and toes... I totally started crying during the ultrasound because I was in such awe at this little life inside me! Gender is still a mystery to us, but the tech said that the sexual organs are good too. They don't even write the gender in my chart, so my ob doesn't know the gender either. We'll all be surprised!

The pictures we have are a bit blurry, because little baby was wriggling around the entire time and he/she had the hiccups. I won't attempt to post a pic, because it will just be super blurry. However, I am already showing anyone I run into the ultrasound photo, like a mad woman! It's so cliche, but I am so in love with this kid already! I'm just praying for at least 20 more weeks of good development : )

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