Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Life update

When people ask the common, "how are you/what's up" question, how do you respond? I have a memory of telling my 3rd grade community basketball coach "I don't know" all the time when he asked, "What's up?" I think my 9-year-old self wanted a more specific question, like "How is school," or "Are you excited about being at basketball practice tonight?"

Lately, I have said "Oh, life..." when people ask "What's up?" I thought I might enter a little life update here on the blog, since the words never come to me in conversation.

1. Home - Jonathan and I were considering a change for a minute, but as soon as we kind of got on the same page together, we found out the change was not going to come. How's that for vague? The change would have involved a move and a job change, but it did not happen. After all of the dreaming/worrying about the change that turned out not to be, I find myself thankful for the position I am in right now. I was eager to embrace change, but now content that it has not come.

2. Work - Everyday is a new chance to learn more about management/supervision. I am still a new supervisor, and I vacillate between loving it and hating it. I think I'm becoming a better manager as time goes by. The best thing about my work is that I feel my personal interests and skills are being used daily, and that keeps me going.

3. Transportation - We are about to sell the Jeep, at which time we will go without a car for however long it takes us to save up for a new car (hopefully summer 09). This is an adventure, and we got a taste of it last weekend. We rode the bus to/from work Friday, completed all of our Saturday errands on foot, got a ride with the Coplins to our social event Saturday evening, rode the bus to/from church Sunday morning, biked to/from church Sunday evening, rode the bus to work Monday, got a ride with Becky to running group and a ride with Becky home. We are going to have to be better planners and say no to a few things, but we will make it work. I also now have ammunition for the day when my 16-year-old children ask for cars!

4. Running - Last week was a good running week, with advances both in speed work, tempo runs, and long runs. The goal of running the half marathon in December seems do-able for the first time! With the addition of biking on Sundays, I'm also increasing my overall fitness. Now I just need to add a core workout once a week.

5. Knitting/Crocheting/Sewing - I am almost done with a sweater/hat set, almost done with a blanket, and plan on breaking out the new sewing machine this weekend. The sewing machine has been sitting in a corner since December (gasp!) because I'm too much of a chicken to put it together. I kept telling myself I would take it to a store, but that entails making an appointment and paying for it. I'm just going to get out the instruction book and see if my memory from sewing as a kid comes back to me. My goal is to make birthday presents for my brother and sister-in-law using the sewing machine, and I see them Labor Day weekend, so that is my motivation to get on it! I will post pictures when these projects are done.

6. Bible Study - So with all of the stuff I do in my day, my Bible study definitely gets pushed to the very bottom of the priority list. Obviously that needs to change, and I will take all the encouragement I can get : ) I was better when I was part of a group Bible study, but I need to learn to be independent. Perhaps more thoughts on this later.

Okay, so that's the answer to "How are you today, Megan?"

1 comment:

Stacey Hays said...

We really should get together and knit...and sew (I am new at this also)