Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Lunch Break Blog

Laura Bush: "I am so glad that the first female vice president of the United States is going to be a Republican."

Megan: Throwing objects at television

* I want to make clear that I do not oppose Palin because she is a woman. I oppose her because she has 20 months experience being a governor, in which time she pretty much just un-did what the previous governor had done. I was upset because I feel that so many other women in politics have fought for years and climbed up the power ladder, and now Palin waltzes in with a short resume and perky haircut and we are supposed to be excited feminists all of the sudden. If McCain had picked a male governor who had only been in office for 20 months, we would be hearing the same outcry about experience.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hahaha... we reversed roles this week!

Well, kinda. I still want to throw stuff at the TV, but less stuff than last week. Really, I just want it to be November and all this be over. I'm not going to be happy either way!

Hope you're having a good week!