Monday, September 14, 2009

Baby update

I had another ob appointment today, and here are some highlights:

  • Baby is 15 oz, which is still above average (the 20 week avg is 10.5 oz, and the 21 week avg is 12 oz. If you care!). Not quite as bad as being 9 oz when the average is 5 oz...but still a big baby.
  • Baby showed us his/her cute little spine, but was not positioned correctly to check the heart. Apparently he/she is like me and enjoys sleeping on the stomach! Needless to say, the tech thinks my baby has a personal vendetta against her, because this is the second ultrasound in which the baby has not been too cooperative.
  • Despite all of your kind words that I look good, the number on the scale today nearly made me faint!! I was a bit of a big girl before getting pregnant, but I never thought I would see that number on a scale : ( I know it's normal, but it still freaks me out!

I also signed up for prepared childbirth classes, which will start in November. I am glad to have that checked off of my to-do list, but it is also a very real reminder that I am actually having a baby!


Stacey Hays said...

We just went to the childbirth class last Saturday. Very informative...however I am more of a need-to-know basis kinda gal. I could have done without some of the detail. I have our two classes checked off...why don't I feel prepared : )

amber@This Mommy Cooks said...

I'm glad you guys got a good report! Are you going to find out what you're having? I bet you've been knitting up a storm! =)

Megan said...

Hi Amber! We are going to wait until baby is here to find out boy/girl. I don't have a nursery to decorate - just a corner of our bedroom, so I think that makes it easier to wait. I have been knitting like crazy, but it is for four other babies that are coming this fall!!