Saturday, September 19, 2009

First Prenatal Yoga Class

This morning I went to Midtown Yoga for their prenatal yoga class. I have wanted to go for a while, but every Saturday morning I have either been working or out of town, so this was my first chance. There were just three students - one 25 weeks, one 36 weeks and me. We got a lot of individual attention, and we chatted after class about doulas and stuff like that. The class was kind of like normal yoga only much more focused on relaxation than strength. We did a lot of poses to work on opening up our kegel floor to prepare for childbirth as well as some techniques to relax back muscles once baby is here. The instructor kept talking about labor and birth as a very primal thing that our bodies know how to do, we just have to let our bodies do the work. It was at the same time freeing and terrifying : ) I have never really thought about having a doula, but I might look into it a little more. I'm not sure Jonathan will be up for it - he is more on the side of 'just do what the doctor tells you' as opposed to having our own birth plan. Anyone out there have any experience with a doula?? I have told many of you that I am more afraid of the epidural and the numbing sensation than I am labor pain. I know that I won't really know what I can handle until I am in the moment, but hopefully this yoga class will help me prepare for a drug-free labor and birth.


Becky Heineke said...

I'm so glad you're doing this (and I know how much you've been wanting to)! I'm also glad the class is so small because you'll get a lot more out of it, I'm sure.

Obviously I have no knowledge to impart but if I know you, you'll as educated, prepared, and ready for it as anyone could possibly be. After reading this, I'm feeling the same way you were a couple of entries ago...YOU'RE HAVING A BABY! :)

The Watsons said...

Hey Megan,

I'm so excited that you are looking into the natural thing. I was all about it but ended up having an epidural and a c-section. It figures, me being a L&D nurse. My delivery was anything but ideal. I am a big advocate for natural childbirth though. I had a couple friends that used the Bradley Method and really liked. I have a book on it that I will try to get to you. If you have any questions about the delivery or labor process I would be happy to talk you through it. Doulas are basically just someone to walk you through delivery, a support system of sorts. The Bradley Method focuses on the husband being the support system. I could talk for hours about childbirth in general. I also have a friend here in Jackson that had both of her children naturally and I know she would answer any questions you have about it if you wanted. Let me know.


Lisa said...

Hey Megan,

Natural is awesome if that is what you want to do...I also work in L&D and have worked with some good doulas, and some that I was not impressed with. They are a coach/advocate of sorts. There are some good and some bad, I think it is like everything else.

When going natural or having a birth plan I would recommend being on the same page with your MD and knowing what is possible/not possible (ambulation, skin to skin, IV fluid, etc). If you are up front with your Doc any good one will be able to accommodate you, or explain why they can't.

I wish you the best!! I know this is an exciting time. You will be in my prayers.