Saturday, March 29, 2008


I have eaten more pizza in the past two weeks than should be allowed. Pizza Hut pizza, too...not even my favorite.

I train foster parents on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings and on Saturdays. (we got out early today, which is why I am blogging at 3pm instead of teaching a class). This is our first week of a new class, and we feed everyone pizza, because it's cheap. And if 10 people show up instead of the 40 that originally signed on to come, we aren't out a whole lot of money. So I ordered pizza for 30 people on Tuesday, and 9 showed up. I ordered pizza for 40 people on Wednesday, and it was all gone, because people were taking whole pizzas home with them. I ordered pizza for 30 people again on Thursday, hoping more people would show up. We had 8. So yesterday, I looked over my list of who was supposed to come to orientation today, and we had around 40. So I ordered pizza for 40 people. 11 showed up.

My poor husband has been eating pizza all week that I bring home from work. My poor gastrointestinal system has been processing pizza all week. I never want to see another piece of pizza again. Ever.

I also need to learn how to get people to come to things they commit to.

In other news, 10k training is about to begin. Eek! I have spent way too much time on this week trying to figure out what my next steps should be. Becky and I ran two miles this morning to just stay moving while we decide how to get to our next goal. We ran in the rain; we are that hard core. Rain was actually drizzle, so it's not that much to crow about. It's amazing how good I feel after running, even just for a little bit. I hadn't run at all since last Saturday because I didn't feel well at the beginning of the week and then I just got lazy at the end of the week. I am one step closer to being a runner because I now feel better after I run than before I run, and I feel better on days that I run compared to days where I am lazy. I'm on my way.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i love cheese pizza