Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Memphis needs a train!

Or a subway...or more buses...or something! The Hulgan household already operates on one vehicle and MATA. Jonathan takes the bus at least once a day, twice a day if I can't drop him off at school. I take the bus to work about once a week - usually less because Jonathan lets me have the car.

The Jeep is being difficult, and we actually looked into going completely car-less at one point. But we can't. Because MATA doesn't function before 10am on Sundays. And we need to get to church! Honestly, if MATA had an earlier schedule on Sundays, I'd totally chuck the Jeep and completely rely on public transportation : )

Also, I am never cosigning on a car with someone who lives in a different state. I am very grateful for my dad cosigning on my car loan with me four years ago, but now that the car is paid off and I'm trying to get a title...having the first signer 500 miles away is causing a bit of a red tape nightmare! Thankfully, my dad just happens to be driving to Memphis on Thursday, so he'll get to hop out of his car and join me downtown at the county clerk's office to get the car title and immediately sign it over to me : )

Seriously, cars are quite a lot to deal with! I am slightly jealous of my sister, who at 30 has never owned a car because she has lived in cities with such great public transportation, you should be ashamed if you own a car. Until Memphis becomes one of those cities, I suppose we'll make through with our little Jeep.

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