Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Social beings

I know that we humans are social beings, and I even believe that God specifically made us that way (the whole "it is not good for man to be alone" thing). I was thinking about that this morning as I was attempting my practice run. I didn't run very much. I ran for about 10 minutes and walked for about 30 minutes. I was supposed to run for 25 minutes according to the training program. When I have my running buddy (Becky) with me, I can run for 25 minutes. Why is that? Is it the motivation? Honestly, we are complaining half the time we're running! We do encourage one another, and talk about random things to keep our minds off of the running. But my favorite running times are when we are just next to each other, not talking, just running, just listening to our feet hitting the path beneath us. It's common knowledge that it is easier to exercise (especially if you are new to it) with a partner or group. Why? I just am curious as to what my body does differently when I am by myself as opposed to when I am with Becky.

So as I walked this morning, I also thought of other things that are easier when other people are around. I am so much more productive when someone else is nearby. They don't even need to be doing the same thing I am doing. For instance, on Tuesday evening, Jonathan was home and in the office grading papers. I did three loads of laundry, washed the dishes, sanitized the kitchen, and cleaned the bathrooms all while he was sitting there. Had he been out with a friend or out of town for something, I would have sat on the couch watching mindless TV all evening. I know this because we have been married for three years and I have seen the pattern. Why is that? Is it because he is being productive too? Nope, I act the same way even if he is just playing video games. Just having someone else at home seems to motivate me, and I don't understand why.

If anyone has any thoughts on this (especially if you were a psych major in college) I would love your input! Does this happen to anyone else? Is there a way to cure this? Jonathan is going to be out of town for a week in August, and I cannot afford to be nonproductive for an entire week!

1 comment:

Becky Heineke said...

This morning, when I was on my pathetic attempt at running, I definitely missed you. I kept thinking, 'If Megan was here, I could do this!' And the weird thing is, last year, when we were mostly run-walking, I wasn't nearly as dependent on you! I don't know if it's the increase in activity (the running vs. the run/walking) or that we both have gotten into a pattern of encouraging each other. Whatever it is, I feel you on the running issue...

At home, I can be incredibly productive on my own. But then again, I live alone. :) At work? The more people in the office, the more work I do! Leave me alone, I can waste time like nobody's business. I'm not sure why this is. Social conditioning? 'Cause we grow up "working" in schools where we're always surrounded by other people? Or maybe it's biological. Or maybe the two of us just need a little peer pressure now and again. ;)

Man, I'm going to be thinking deep thoughts all night now...