Monday, November 23, 2009


I had an ultrasound on Friday because I was in a very minor car accident. A lady rear-ended me on Sam Cooper on my way to work. The car is fine, the baby is fine, I was just super paranoid (and bawling...). Amazingly my blood pressure was perfect when I went in to the doctor, despite my worries that it was high. While doing the ultrasound to make sure baby/placenta/fluid and all were doing well, the tech went ahead and updated the baby's measurements. The baby is measuring 3 weeks ahead, so I am trying to prepare myself for an early January instead of late January baby. Apparently the size of the abdomen shows how far along the baby is developmentally (is this because of the internal organs??), and both the abdomen and head are measuring 3 weeks ahead. Also randomly, one of the feet measured 7 cms (that is 2.75 inches). When I was in Dallas over the weekend, my mom pulled out my footprint card from when I was born, and it was 9 cms. I think that if this child is under 24 inches long when born, I might actually be disappointed! Weight on Friday was about 4.5 pounds, and the baby was curled up with its head down.

We get another ultrasound on December 4th to monitor the baby's size. I think I've been pretty spoiled with ultrasounds - so many people tell me that they had one ultrasound, and I have had about 6. Thankfully I have a really, really good insurance plan that covers all of them!

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